Cannot edit Azure resources after move to another subscription
You have the following case:
- After a resource group move operation from Subscription A to Subscription B, you notice that you cannot edit or perform any sort of write operations on any or some of the resources in the source or target resource group
- Write operations on the target resource group where thrown into error with status “Conflict – Resource is still being updated and cannot perform this operation”
- The above behavior can continue to exist even after 4-6 hours since the resources were moved
One such example error is shown in the screenshot below.

Other error message could be something along the lines of "Operation cannot be performed because there is resource move in progress".
In most of the cases this is an expected and transient issue. The root cause analysis (RCA) shows that the Azure Geomaster Databases which contain meta data information regarding the status of the Azure resources can be out of sync and it takes some time for these Geomaster Databases to be fully synced. There is nothing you can do as an Azure global admin or subscription owner. If the issue continues to persist for more than 8 hours after the resource move, you should definitely open a ticket with Azure Technical Support for them to perform a manual Geomaster Database sync and check Azure backend logs and other configuration parameters which may be contributing to this case.
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