FSLogix 2201 release is generally available

FSLogix 2201 release is generally available

FSLogix 2201 release is generally available

Following the public preview release, the FSLogix 2201 release is now generally available for all Microsoft customers. As part of the GA release, Microsoft provides a new build that you can download here:


Bug fixes

The following items have been fixed in this release.

- Fixed issue where the FSLogix Profile Service would crash if it was unable to communicate with the FSLogix Cloud Cache Service.

- The OfficeFileCache folder located at %LOCALAPPDATA%MicrosoftOffice16.0OfficeFileCache is now machine specific and encrypted so we exclude it from FSLogix containers. Office files located outside this folder are not impacted by this update.

- Windows Server 2019 version 1809, and newer versions of Windows Server, natively support per-user search indexes and we recommend you leverage that native search index capability. FSLogix Search Indexing is no longer available on those versions of Windows Server.

- Windows 10 Enterprise Multi-session and Windows 11 Enterprise Multi-session natively support per-user search indexes and FSLogix Search Indexing is no longer available on those operating systems.

- FSLogix now correctly handles cases where the Windows Profile Service refCount registry value is set to an unexpected value.

- Over 30 accessibility related updates have been made to the FSLogix installer and App Rules Editor.

- A Windows event now records when a machine locks a container disk with a message that looks like "This machine '' is using 's (SID=) profile disk. VHD(x): ."

- Resolved an issue where the DeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply registry setting was ignored in some cases.

- Fixed an issue where active user session settings where not retained if the FSLogix service was restarted. This was causing some logoffs to fail.

- Fixed an issue where FSLogix did not properly handle logoff events if Profile or ODFC containers were disabled during the session or per-user/per-group filters were applied mid-session that excluded the user from the feature. Now FSLogix logoff related events will always occur based off the FSLogix settings applied at login.

- FSLogix will no longer attempt to reattach a container disk when the user session is locked.

- Fixed an issue that caused the FSLogix service to crash when reattaching container disks.

- Fixed a Cloud Cache issue that caused IO failures if the session host's storage block size was smaller than a cloud provider's block size. For optimal performance, we recommend the session host disk hosting the CCD proxy directory has a physical block size greater than or equal to the CCD storage provider with the largest block size.

- Fixed a Cloud Cache issue where a timed out read request (network outage, storage outage, etc.) was not handled properly and would eventually fail.

- Reduced the chance for a Cloud Cache container disk corruption if a provider is experiencing connection issues.

- Resolved an issue where temporary rule files were not deleted if rule compilation failed.

- Previously, the Application masking folder was only created for the user who ran the installer. With this update, the rules folder is created when the Rules editor is launched.

- Resolved an interoperability issue with large OneDrive file downloads that was causing some operations to fail.

- Fixed an issue where per-user and per-group settings did not apply if the Profile or ODFC container was not enabled for all users.

- Resolved an issue where the Office container session configuration was not cleaned up if a profile fails to load.

- Fixed an issue where HKCU App Masking rules leveraging wildcards would fail to apply.

- Fixed an issue that caused some sessions configured with an ODFC container to fail to login.

- Resolved an issue where the App Rules editor would crash if no assignments were configured.

For the long-standing issue with FsLogix _local user profiles not being properly deleted at logoff, you will need to first test this new FsLogix version in a lab environment and determine if the issue persists or not.


You can view the full release notes at: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-virtual-desktop/announcing-general-availability-of-fslogix-2201-2-9-8111-53415/m-p/3270742.



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