The Microsoft Inside Track
When implementing IT solutions which are complex and require proper in-depth planning, it is crucial to perform technical assessments and creating an inventory of the "as-is" situation as well as assess the organization's operational and business requirements alongside the technical requirements. Implementing an IT solution, especially when this involves some sort of migration, requires the execution of a "dry run" or "proof of concept" before you pilot your solution to a greater audience and then gradually move on to full production. When preparing these tasks in the framework of a project, you should utilize vendor best practices, blueprints and also make use of reference architectures and case studies of previous major implementations, which can be used as reference for your on implementation. One such great repository of publicly available reference architectures and case studies is the Microsoft Inside Track. Along with the Azure Architecture Center, the Microsoft Inside Track provides invaluable information about how Microsoft itself internally prepared for and implemented major digital transformation projects, using its own technologies and cloud services, such as a transition/migration to Microsoft 365. You should be using Microsoft Inside Track when planning a project, including migrations, in conjunction with all other recommended pre-migration checklists and pre-migration assessment tools.
The Microsoft Inside Track
The Microsoft Inside Track is a microsite available at and provides a handful of resources to the following target audiences:
- IT Pro
- Decision Maker
- Leader
- IT Developer
- Information Worker
The Microsoft Inside Track provides case studies of internal Microsoft project implementations on the following topics:
- Azure and cloud infrastructure
- Microsoft 365
- Business applications
- Security
- Data and AI
- Becoming a digital business
Besides case studies, the Microsoft Inside Track publishes the following types of content as well:
- Inside Track blog posts
- Case Study
- Video
- Article
- Landing Pages
- Content Suites
You can search through Microsoft Inside Track by using keywords matching your own project requirements. You can also view the Microsoft Inside Track Youtube videos.
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